EcoVadis Sustainability Analysis

Definition of EcoVadis?

EcoVadis provides holistic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ratings through a platform. The EcoVadis methodology is based on international sustainability standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000) and is overseen by a scientific panel of CSR and supply chain experts to produce reliable CSR ratings. The rating is made in four main categories:

  • Environment: (including CO2 emissions, waste management, water management, product life cycle)
  • Sustainable Procurement: (including regular supplier assessment, supplier contracts, REACH compliance, code of conduct for subcontractors)
  • Labor & Human Rights: (incl. health & safety, training, working hours, workplace)    
  • Ethics: (incl. data protection, guidelines and awareness training on corruption, support for external CSR initiatives, whistleblower procedures)

Current assessment status

Hecht Technologie has been registered with EcoVadis since 2016. We answer an extensive and detailed catalog of questions every year.

The terms "sustainability" and "CSR" are present in the media and popular - currently, laws have been and are being passed in this regard (e.g. Supplier Chain Act; Whistleblower Procedure). Companies commit themselves to environmental protection and social responsibility and countless consultancies and initiatives have emerged on this topic (ClimatePartner, Ökoprofit, KlimAktiv...) Numerous customers of Hecht Technologie meanwhile check our ratings.

Recently we were awarded the silver medal - only a few points separate us from the gold medal. 

With this result, HECHT belongs to the best 25 percent of the more than 75,000 companies currently evaluated by EcoVadis.


Hecht Technologie GmbH

Schirmbeckstr. 17
D-85276 Pfaffenhofen

T: +49 8441 - 8956 - 0
F: +49 8441 - 8956 - 56

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